Ongoing Research Conducted in the MSDLab at FSU
Here's some information on what we're working on and how interested participants can help!
What is the project about?
Individuals with dysarthria, a motor speech disorder arising from neurological disease or damage, are often difficult to understand. Traditionally such intelligibility disorders are treated with speech therapy, in which a speaker learns how to produce speech that is easier to understand. However, for many individuals with dysarthria, improving intelligibility through speech therapy is often difficult due to the nature of their underlying neurological condition.
The goal of this research project is to examine the role of the listener to see if we can improve their understanding of dysarthric speech using perceptual training.
What is expected of participants?
Participation in this project will include completion of a variety of perceptual and cognitive tasks and a couple of short surveys. The tasks will be administered via computer, iPad, or paper and pencil. Participants must be able to type short phrases on a keyboard. A research assistant will guide participants through research tasks in the FSU MSDLab which is located in Room 506 of the Warren Building (201 W. Bloxham St. Tallahassee, FL, 32301).
The duration of the experiment will be between 1.25 and 2 hours and participants will receive a $50 gift card as compensation for participating.
COVID-19 Precautions & Procedures
Due to the current pandemic, we will be taking extra precautions to keep our participants safe...
In accordance with FSU's policies, participants are no longer expected to wear masks while in the FSU MSDLab and Warren building.
Participants and research assistants will socially distance at the MSDLab.
Hand sanitizer and gloves will be provided if desired at the MSDLab.
All high-touch surfaces will be thoroughly sanitized between each participant and the entire lab will be cleaned each day.
Elevators are limited to two-person capacity (if a participant is uncomfortable sharing an elevator, they may ride alone).
Sign up to participate!
Right now, the MSDLab is taking a break for a few weeks while lab personnel reconfigure the schedule for the beginning of the academic semester. If you are interested in our study, we would love to have you participate once we reopen. To notify the MSDLab of your interest in participating, please fill out the form below or email fsumsdlab@icloud.com. We would love to hear from you!
Have Questions?
If you have questions about participation in research, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us!